The following report about the Ugly Sexy Factor comes from Queen Bee…It’s “part one” of a multi-episode extravaganza! Read on… -Lucas
A few weeks ago after viewing The Bon Scott Project at the Fremantle Arts Centre I purchased two tickets to the Ugly Sexy Factor event and idly flicked through a booklet freely available and complimentary from the arts centre (and I kid you not found on all the tables, foyers, benches, reception and window sills, so I’m thinking if we have any foreigners in love with Bon, write a note to the arts centre and ask if they can send a little booklet once the project is over as a souvenir!!! They are really quite cute!!)
……………. ………………………………………………………………………………. Anyway just never one to lose her train of thought (much ïŠ)…..
Here I was innocently flipping through the (cute) booklet and what do ya know!!!! This blog here caught my eye.
So after initially emailing Lucas and enquiring as to how I might participate, to contribute something to this really great place to hang out with other Bon fans, Lucas finally caved to my charms and offered me another two tickets to Ugly Sexy in addition to the two I had purchased, and BINGO like a cloudy day clearing up big bright blue skies, rainbows, sunshine and butterflies FREAKING everywhere …..I had me a POSSIE….
Introducing my mate Gen, man this is one creative gal, nutty as shit but I love her, you know she was so excited (not only was she going on a road trip for just an evening where she could be herself, Gens a mum to five among many other things!) that she sewed herself a dress that was inspired by Bon for the evening. Red flannel craftily sewn into a magical outfit!
This is the POSSIE…. Fuelling up at the HJ’s Joint in freo before our big night which lay ahead. Any way that’s her in her mint ox outfit, she’s in the middle, the one going for the killer munch LOL (she’s prolly going to kick my ass for this pic!!)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh YEaH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To the front we have my assistant Roxi, who wasn’t a Bon fan before we got there (yet I know she’s warming!!) oh how sheltered she’s been!! So you can safely say Roxi ended up rocking it!!!
My final evil side kick is Ayden the photographer!! Ayden too arrived in the same boat as Roxi in regards to Bon and his fashion Faux pas past!!! But again an evening spent with awesome friendly crew gathered around, everyone here for the one reason well, that’s got to touch some people right, yeah that’s my figuring, so I touched lots of people that night!! And I’m sure Mr. Ben Scott will say he wishes he was one of them LOL…. If you haven’t taken the time, go check out Amazing Armani Undies on Display, a worthy Giggle to be had!!!! But Ben 10 outta 10 for the effort my man! Anyway where were we…
Yeah tickets for sale!! I’m only kidding I kept my paws to myself but seeing and participating in this vibrant evening and having people from all walks of life, getting along you could imagine the atmosphere!! It was definitely HIGH VOLTAGE. So cheers to my little pal Ayden for the pics I’m sure you’ll all see he did a wonderful job!
Oh by the way the road trip was most interesting, it got dark along the way and we had to gauge our speed by the other drivers on the freeway because we lost the dashboards lights or the fact I’d never driven this rig before and kept using the indicators to wipe my windscreen was duly noted as clear indicators pointing to an interesting evening to be had as we drove into the orange lights of the Fremantle district.
Guys I’ve broken this into sections because I’m currently on time restriction’s woohooo *Brags* Just bagged myself a kick ass job!!! So I’m applying myself and juggling family and easing out of my other two jobs in order to follow my dream and will post this blog a bit at a time but believe me this is well worth the wait and I promise you that on the night there’s a rock and roll queen your satisfaction will be guaranteed folks!!!! Ps – the photo gallery that will accompany this is definitely worth your time, I found one picture that in my mind sums up the night and Im gonna show it upfront on Part Two “ Live Wire†. Till then feel free to send comments and questions via the main man, good old Lucas….
wonderful Blog , cant wait to read the other parts of this series ! wish I had been able to fly over to the expo !
Oh Queenie, this is great, I can hardly wait to see the next installment. Sure wish I could have made it over there.
Cheers Queenie For that great report
Your Evil Side Kick Photographer Ayden