Mix Tape Revival

sumu and bon

Hey fans, remember this? A while back, before the Bon Scott Project exhibition opened at the Fremantle Arts Centre, some very lucky fans among you received a limited edition cassette cover as an invitation to the show. The cover came complete with brittle plastic case, and it was impressive enough, but several people emailed me, disappointed that there was no cassette inside. So I decided to make one.

The conditions are that you have to send me a picture of yourself with your cassette cover in order to receive a custom dubbed Bon Scott Blog mix tape to go inside! Priority will be given to photos which show where you are in the world.

Well, entries have been trickling in, and here are a few more.

Above, Sumu shoots himself with his cassette cover on the ferry in the Sydney harbour. Top marks for location and imagination, Sumu! Accompanying Sumu’s photo were these few lines:

Killa Filla? If there are indeed any mixtapes still about – my boom
box is moist with anticipation….

Also, more Bon inspired madness here

Check out that link, great little TNT mashup…


Our second entry is from Danae, a DJ from RTRFM. She invited Katie Dyer (the curator of the Bon Scott Letters exhibition) and me to do an interview a while back. Actually, it was on the morning of the launch of the Bon Scott Exhibition in Freo.

Danae REALLY wanted one of those mix tapes, so she brought in her LESBIAN MUD WRESTLING T-shirt to be digitally immortalised. Great stuff, Danae: a tape is on the way to you!

By the way, if you like, you can listen online to the interview Danae did with Katie and I. It’s here (MP3, 7MB, 16min) and it includes a rendition of “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” by Hayseed Dixie.

5 thoughts on “Mix Tape Revival”

  1. hola lucas como estas no quiero parecer una persona molesta pero sabes que me encantaria tener un casette por aca en Argentina como podemos hacer?? seria algo unico desde ya muhcas gracias

    hello lucas as these do not want to look like a person but you know that bothers me encantaria have a cassette by here in Argentina as we do? something unique and serious since muhcas thanks

  2. hola como dice susann How does one get one of these tapes? apoyo firmemente su pedido yo quiero una por argentina

  3. Hey Pablo, you didn’t get a cassette cover? I thought I had arranged for one to be sent to you. Damn. I will see if I can find one. Ditto Susann. Pretty sure they’ve run out but I will check. If I can’t get hold of more covers, don’t worry, I’ll still send you my mixtape!

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