Crabsody in Blue

The Bon Scott Project is almost “officially” over. The exhibition will come down at the Fremantle Arts Centre after this weekend, and my stint as the Bon Scott Blogger will be finished.

But the funny thing is, although I’ve been working on the Bon Scott Blog for six months, there’s still heaps to discover. For instance, a while back, Terese, from the Hamilton Hill Clan, was raving on to me about Bon’s song “Crabsody in Blue”, which I had never heard. And for good reason – the song was excluded from the international editions of the album “Let there be Rock” – and it’s not easy to find the original Aussie edition. I had to hunt the track down, ahem, “on the net”…

And it was well worth the search. It’s been stuck in my head for days now! A great little blues number with Bon’s cheeky and somewhat puerile lyrics. Who else writes songs about pubic lice?

I was listening to this song, turned up loud, in the kitchen last night with my girlfriend. “It’s really catchy,” she observed. And that’s just it. Bon’s songs about sexually transmitted infections are, themselves, “catchy”. Genius – form and content gloriously interwoven.

In other news, stuff keeps coming through from the fans!

Bill, for instance, sent me through this email:

hi Lucas,

Not sure if you would mind/be willing to help us spread the word for this poll/contest, but my AC/DC Tribute band (LIVE WIRE from New York) has the opportunity to return to South America again this coming August for a big festival/concert there. We’re currently in 2nd place, and need dedicated AC/DC Fanatics votes help to push us to the top.

The site is in Spanish, but the voting is right over to the right hand side of the website. please vote for LIVE WIRE AC/DC tribute here:


Happy to oblige, Bill. Readers, get over there and vote. You don’t want an Iron Maiden tribute band beating an acca dacca tribute, do ya??

And finally: early next week I’ll be announcing a limited edition piece of merchandise for you to acquire! I’m just trying to set up a paypal account to deal with the inevitable onslaught of online purchasing which will no doubt ensue…

18 thoughts on “Crabsody in Blue”

  1. I laughed ’til I cried the first time I heard this! There aren’t many who could come close to Bon for humor and cheekiness!

  2. so how are you thinking of “finishing” this work? will it just be one of those sites that gets less posts on them and finally no posts?

  3. I will miss it in those moments when I am procrastinating or bored or avoiding talking to a co-worker1

  4. Good question, birdmonkey, can we keep this blog going strong after the Bon Project exhibition is over? It’s been such wonderful fun exchanging thoughts with all the fans who love Bon as much as I do.

    Lucas, would that “limited edition piece of merchandise” be the Ugly/Sexy poster? That shot of Bon with the girl just drives me wild!

  5. Hola amigos por que asi llamo a las personas que comparten los mismos gustos en este caso es musical , es muy dificil opinar de un tema como este ya que somos fan de bon scott y todo lo referido a el lo vemos perfecto jaja que por otras cosas asi es jaja no tengo palabras de agradecimiento a vos lucas que hiciste este blog y si estaria bueno que se mantenga tenemos una quimica especial aunque no hable ingles creo que todos nos entendemos como decis vos lucas que entendes mi esencia la unica que tengo es amor a bon scott su musica su vida y todo lo referido a el en mi caso personal tengo muchas preguntas sin respuesta pero quizas sea asi en lo que a sus ultimos dias se refieren gracias a todos saludos desde Argentina y como puse en el cartel MI CORAZON ESTA CON USTEDES LET THERE BE BON …PABLO

  6. Hello friends that so named individuals who share the same tastes in music here is, can hardly say an issue like this since we are a fan of Bon Scott and everything related to the perfect jaja that we see in other things asi es jaja I have no words of thanks to you lucas you did this blog and would be good if it is maintained we have a special chemistry does not speak English but I think we all understand as decis lucas that you understand my heart that I was the only love Bon Scott his music his life and everything related to the staff in my case I have many unanswered questions but perhaps so as far as his last days refer thank all greetings from Argentina and put on the poster

  7. Birdmonkey, well, not sure how to finish it really. Yeah it will probably be one of those sites! But in the meantime there’s still more stuff to go on here so I’ll keep on doing it until I run out of steam!

    Who knows… I’ve made quite a lotta “penpals” doing this project. One of these days I could do a “round the world” trip and stay with them all. Then the blog could come alive once more…

  8. Lucas,

    This blog is a way of keeping Bon alive. Isn’t that the whole point?

    Bon killed himself, unintentionally. Let’s keep him alive.

  9. Carolyn, you’ve done it again. That Ugly/Sexy poster turns me into rapidly melting Bon butter.

  10. Susann, I melt at the mere thought of the Ugly/Sexy poster. I’ve drooled over hundreds of delectable pictures of Bon, but that poster has got to be in the top 5!

  11. Carolyn, MMMMM… I know! I have this huge collection of Bon pictures, in his words “…ripped off here and there around the countryside…” but that Ugly/Sexy one sizzled it’s way up to my top 5 like a comet. I scaled down a Bon picture, a picture of his “Scotland Forever” tattoo, and several select Bon phrases, mmmm yeah is one of them of course and have made temporary tattoos out of them. I’ll be festooned with Bonny and his words tomorrow. I’m too big a chicken to get real ones, at least so far, so that’s the most personal part of my little Bon celebration.

  12. Susann, your hand-crafted tattoos (clever to use those oh-so-sexy phrases, too!) sound like an excellent tribute to Bon on his birthday. His Scotland Forever is a beautiful one (my second favorite of his tattoos). I’ve considered a real Bon tatt myself as well, but have yet to take the plunge!

  13. There I was, festooned with Bonny phrases – artistically rendered, of course – at home from work sick! I had a Bon-a-thon watching Plug Me In and Family Jewels. But it did give me the idea to take Bon’s birthday off wbenever I can and celebrate! If you ever decide to get a Bon tatt, let me know and we could meet in the middle of the country and get ’em done! :-} Yeah, Bon’s below the belt tatt is my favorite too.

  14. Getting Bon tatts, that’s gotta be the best girls’ day/night out idea I’ve heard!!!

    Mmmmmmm, yeah!

  15. The musicians I found on our Bon Scott Tribute Day will go down in history as the best BS band ever! I will have videos soon. My Mom, Liz Scott, came out, as well as 12 local bands! The Best is yet to come!

  16. Carolyn! MMMMMMMMM Yeah! That’s right at the top of the potentially real Bon tatts list! I can see it going around my ankle… Well, maybe not that drastic, but in some cheeky spot. Maybe I’ll get the nerve up one day.

    Oh, I did sign up for the Bon Scott Google Group. It’s kinda daunting. I’ve only looked around so far. We’ve all gotta keep pestering Lucas & keep the BSB alive.

  17. Susann, that would be a killer tatt with the MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM circling all the way around your ankle with Yeah! right on the middle/top perhaps. Very unique, too!

    Feel free to jump right into the Bon Google Group with both feet! New blood is always welcome, and with your ardent enthusiasm for all things Bon, your contributions would be a real asset to the discussions.

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