The King of All Badasses Fires Up from Texas

dave evans

Thanks to Tully for this tipoff. Today there’s an article about pre-Bon AC/DC singer Dave Evans in the Sydney Morning Herald.

I first met Dave back at the big tribute concert in Perth. You can read about that encounter here.

Damn, I love how he calls himself “King of All Badasses”. There’s not enough self-proclaiming superlatives in rock these days. Good onya Dave. Also I love that he would like to “strangle” Clinton Walker, who wrote Bon’s biography. Never mind that the book has been out for about 15 years already, yet Dave’s ire is still crispy-fresh. Terrific stuff.

8 thoughts on “The King of All Badasses Fires Up from Texas”

  1. hola otra vez yo por aca y creo desde mi punto de vista que dave evans se cuelga y se colgo de la fama de bon scott para triunfar el por que si es o fue tan bueno como dice serlo por que no se quedo para siempre en ac/dc creo que nunca pudo superar ser reemplazado por el mas grande como yo le digo el gran leon de escocia ….

    hello again by myself here and I think from my point of view that hangs David Evans and hung from the fame of the Bon Scott to succeed or if that was as good as said so by not stay forever in ac / dc I think that could never be replaced by overcoming the biggest as I say the great leon of scotland

  2. Mate why don”t you check his myspace site out, there are plenty of people on there calling him the KING no one is holding a gun to there head.

    And towards Clintons book no one ever interviewed Dave on this because there was no internet around when it came out !!

  3. I’m sure he has fans, and I hate to burst old Dave’s bubble, but I agree with Pablo, Bon will always be the King of All Badasses!

  4. I beg to differ with you, Mark. Bon was unique through and through. There has never been anyone like him before or since!

  5. Those were good bands for the type of music they were playing, but they really didn’t make the best use of Bon’s “natural” talents. He found the perfect fit with AC/DC. They were looking to create a harder, rawer, dirtier, no-B.S. style and Bon was just the man for the job! No way could anyone but Bon have fit that bill in those early AC/DC days.

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