Blue My Socks Out of My DBs!

acdc melbourne concert

The above is from the Melbourne concert, which I attended with my friend Texta a few weeks ago.
More photos from the gig (which was absolutely phenomenal) here.

The following email comes from my old mate Simmo, who was always good for a hot tip during the secretive construction period of the Bon Scott Bronze statue. Here you can see me and Simmo at the Statue celebration concert in Perth back in Feb 2008:

simmo and me

Hi Lucas
Hope a fan like you caught the greattest gig in the world ? The Black Ice AC /DC tour , Well let me say it blue my socks out of my DBs !!! Sat ,Night in Perth and the guys turned it on and they played High Voltage as a tribute to Bon and his finnal resting place Freo.I believe that it has not been played for over 30 years live, but I am here to be corrected .There where pictures of Bon Flashing across the screens and more fists held up in salute than any other song played that night ! Yes I was looking and I was sober and straight as I lost all my money , it fell out of my pocket.
I scanned the top of the stadiums later on the night looking for a soul piper to belt out Its along way to the top , but as i right this nowI believe it will be played to night by a 36 piece Pipe band that Bon used to play with , Perth being there last Aussie, gig and the guys being who they are , will entertain and remember and surprise . and it sucks that I am not their again
Rock In Peace

Onya Simmo!! …anyone else have concert reports or pictures they wanna share from the Aussie tour?

8 thoughts on “Blue My Socks Out of My DBs!”

  1. there seems to have been lots of innuendo surrounding the concerts…

    here in melbourne 3aw radio reported that angry anderson of “rose tattoo” would play a role in the oz tour series….he didnt..

    also brian made people think that a special effort would be made to honour bon by have greame scotts 2 kids be involved onstage or similiar… i have heard nothing to suggest this took place…

    and for me personally ac/dc has become far to big to go to concert and totally enjoy it… they are too far from you to see them good… i would have preferred to pay 300 to see em at say a stadium like the claremont showgrounds…where its far more intiment!!!

    really though for me… i only go to such events to enjoy the party atmosphere created by all!!! the aroma on feb 20 inside the stadium of freshly grown skunk was overwhelming…haha not the smell after you light up… but the one where you open a bag and this really strong skunky gunge spreads forth…haha brian looked stoned from the fumes!!! i reckon thats why the band needs oxygen…haha they cant handle the skunk…haha

  2. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the shows but so happy to seee Bon was recognised up on screen -_^!
    Just found footage on youtube and got goosebumps ^__^!
    And cheers for making me fan of the month Lucas! Scared the crap out of me as I scanned down the page lol
    Lee xox

  3. I saw AC/DC three times over the summer of 1979. Bon would put Angus on his shoulders and run out into the audience. On one occasion he ran past me and I gave him a pat on the back. As a fifteen year old kid, it was like touching the hand of god. Heh.

    All shows started with “Live Wire” and even though Highway to Hell had been recently released, they didn’t play anything off of the album. Good times regardless.

    Thought you might be interested…

  4. extremely interested matey!!!

    ha yeah i wonder why they could not include songs off the new album???

    sounds as though ac/dc were in the midst of a label change…

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