Greasy Bon

bon in cicerello's

Hi Lucas,
Here’s one for the blog….. This beautiful sculpture of a beautiful man……. in a fish and chip shop!!!!! I urge all Bon Scott fans to protest or go and carry him out of there on their backs.
Yes we are pretty sad!
Cheers Gabx

So Bon’s Bronze Statue, after all the hoo-har about his final resting place, has actually wound up INSIDE the Cicerello’s fish and chip shop!!?? Wow, that’s news to me.

Originally, the idea was to have the bronzy Bon in pride of place in Fremantle town centre, near all the bronze prime ministers and important men. But that was poo-pooed by the local heritage lobby (or so the tale goes). Bon was an inappropriate figure to have in such a location (and besides, who knows what kind of undesirables he would attract to the streets…)

Then the state minister and acca dacca fan, Alanah McTiernan, stepped in, and offered the sliver of land on the water side of the railway tracks as a site for our little metal man. Because the state government controls this land, this solution would sidestep the machinations of the troublesome naysayers in local council.

If you want to read more about this history of Bon Scott ping pong, have a look at a few posts I wrote when I was in Western Australia. Here they are:
The Fine Details
21 Characters, 4 Lines

That was the last I had heard of the matter, until the email above came through from one of Bon’s oldest friends Gaby. I think Gaby must have found out through Crabsody in Blue (the mega Bon Scott tribute site), who, in turn, must have located the news on the website for Cicerellos (the fish and chip shop).

Admittedly, it’s a huge win for Cicerellos. Bon will really buffer their current “curiosity shoppe” which consists of a big canoe that was bitten in half by a shark, and a fishtank full of lobsters. Definitely giving them the edge over their chippy competitors.

But it’s a sad fall from grace, considering the two huge Bon Scott Celebration concerts that raised all the money for the statue to be built.

So what gives, Freo??

Real Weird Science

biology LED sign

biology LED sign part two

In the middle of the night, my phone buzzed and this message came through from Dublin:

My biology
teacher taught
us about you
instead of real
science. Then
again you are
real science, real

It was too long to fit on one LED sign, so we spread it over two signs! Niall from Dublin, if you’re out there, we’d love to hear more about that biology teacher of yours!

Sorry the sign’s a bit difficult to read, on account of the bright wintery Perth sun! But you get a bonus blue truck thrown in for good luck, I suppose…

The King of All Badasses Fires Up from Texas

dave evans

Thanks to Tully for this tipoff. Today there’s an article about pre-Bon AC/DC singer Dave Evans in the Sydney Morning Herald.

I first met Dave back at the big tribute concert in Perth. You can read about that encounter here.

Damn, I love how he calls himself “King of All Badasses”. There’s not enough self-proclaiming superlatives in rock these days. Good onya Dave. Also I love that he would like to “strangle” Clinton Walker, who wrote Bon’s biography. Never mind that the book has been out for about 15 years already, yet Dave’s ire is still crispy-fresh. Terrific stuff.

Crabsody in Blue

The Bon Scott Project is almost “officially” over. The exhibition will come down at the Fremantle Arts Centre after this weekend, and my stint as the Bon Scott Blogger will be finished.

But the funny thing is, although I’ve been working on the Bon Scott Blog for six months, there’s still heaps to discover. For instance, a while back, Terese, from the Hamilton Hill Clan, was raving on to me about Bon’s song “Crabsody in Blue”, which I had never heard. And for good reason – the song was excluded from the international editions of the album “Let there be Rock” – and it’s not easy to find the original Aussie edition. I had to hunt the track down, ahem, “on the net”…

And it was well worth the search. It’s been stuck in my head for days now! A great little blues number with Bon’s cheeky and somewhat puerile lyrics. Who else writes songs about pubic lice?

I was listening to this song, turned up loud, in the kitchen last night with my girlfriend. “It’s really catchy,” she observed. And that’s just it. Bon’s songs about sexually transmitted infections are, themselves, “catchy”. Genius – form and content gloriously interwoven.

In other news, stuff keeps coming through from the fans!

Bill, for instance, sent me through this email:

hi Lucas,

Not sure if you would mind/be willing to help us spread the word for this poll/contest, but my AC/DC Tribute band (LIVE WIRE from New York) has the opportunity to return to South America again this coming August for a big festival/concert there. We’re currently in 2nd place, and need dedicated AC/DC Fanatics votes help to push us to the top.

The site is in Spanish, but the voting is right over to the right hand side of the website. please vote for LIVE WIRE AC/DC tribute here:


Happy to oblige, Bill. Readers, get over there and vote. You don’t want an Iron Maiden tribute band beating an acca dacca tribute, do ya??

And finally: early next week I’ll be announcing a limited edition piece of merchandise for you to acquire! I’m just trying to set up a paypal account to deal with the inevitable onslaught of online purchasing which will no doubt ensue…

Phillip Morris Acca Dacca Exhibit

we luv acdc

Phillip Morris, legendary Aussie photographer who tracked AC/DC’s career from the very beginning, is hosting an exhibition of his best acca dacca shots in Sydney! The show is called AC/DC Exposed!

There’s an article about the show in the Sydney Morning Herald.

The photo above is one of Phillips great shots, and is featured on the exhibition’s facebook page

Oh, I should add, Phillip first popped up in this blog when I visited artist Eli Smith, who did a Bon Scott painting based on some of Phillip’s photos.

AND! If I’m not mistaken, check out Bon’s very prominent package in the above photo. That, my friends, looks like the source photo for Scott Redford’s Bon Scott Crotch Wallpaper which adorns the walls of the Fremantle Exhibition…

Mix Tape Revival

sumu and bon

Hey fans, remember this? A while back, before the Bon Scott Project exhibition opened at the Fremantle Arts Centre, some very lucky fans among you received a limited edition cassette cover as an invitation to the show. The cover came complete with brittle plastic case, and it was impressive enough, but several people emailed me, disappointed that there was no cassette inside. So I decided to make one.

The conditions are that you have to send me a picture of yourself with your cassette cover in order to receive a custom dubbed Bon Scott Blog mix tape to go inside! Priority will be given to photos which show where you are in the world.

Well, entries have been trickling in, and here are a few more.

Above, Sumu shoots himself with his cassette cover on the ferry in the Sydney harbour. Top marks for location and imagination, Sumu! Accompanying Sumu’s photo were these few lines:

Killa Filla? If there are indeed any mixtapes still about – my boom
box is moist with anticipation….

Also, more Bon inspired madness here

Check out that link, great little TNT mashup…


Our second entry is from Danae, a DJ from RTRFM. She invited Katie Dyer (the curator of the Bon Scott Letters exhibition) and me to do an interview a while back. Actually, it was on the morning of the launch of the Bon Scott Exhibition in Freo.

Danae REALLY wanted one of those mix tapes, so she brought in her LESBIAN MUD WRESTLING T-shirt to be digitally immortalised. Great stuff, Danae: a tape is on the way to you!

By the way, if you like, you can listen online to the interview Danae did with Katie and I. It’s here (MP3, 7MB, 16min) and it includes a rendition of “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” by Hayseed Dixie.

Tattoos on Librarians

tatts on librarians
[Click on the image to see it larger…]

Yesterday I got this great email and pic from the librarians at the Fremantle City Library… One thing is for sure, my rather stereotyped view of librarians has undergone a rapid transformation these past weeks…

Hi Lucas,

How’s it going? It’s Rachael here again, from Fremantle City Library.

We’re keeping the Bon Scott spirit going, and with that in mind when we got our hands on some of those tattoos (fake) from the Fremantle Arts Centre, one of our librarians suddenly had an idea!



Queenie’s Report, Part One…

julz img 1

The following report about the Ugly Sexy Factor comes from Queen Bee…It’s “part one” of a multi-episode extravaganza! Read on… -Lucas

A few weeks ago after viewing The Bon Scott Project at the Fremantle Arts Centre I purchased two tickets to the Ugly Sexy Factor event and idly flicked through a booklet freely available and complimentary from the arts centre (and I kid you not found on all the tables, foyers, benches, reception and window sills, so I’m thinking if we have any foreigners in love with Bon, write a note to the arts centre and ask if they can send a little booklet once the project is over as a souvenir!!! They are really quite cute!!)
……………. ………………………………………………………………………………. Anyway just never one to lose her train of thought (much )…..
Here I was innocently flipping through the (cute) booklet and what do ya know!!!! This blog here caught my eye.

So after initially emailing Lucas and enquiring as to how I might participate, to contribute something to this really great place to hang out with other Bon fans, Lucas finally caved to my charms and offered me another two tickets to Ugly Sexy in addition to the two I had purchased, and BINGO like a cloudy day clearing up big bright blue skies, rainbows, sunshine and butterflies FREAKING everywhere …..I had me a POSSIE….

Introducing my mate Gen, man this is one creative gal, nutty as shit but I love her, you know she was so excited (not only was she going on a road trip for just an evening where she could be herself, Gens a mum to five among many other things!) that she sewed herself a dress that was inspired by Bon for the evening. Red flannel craftily sewn into a magical outfit!

the posse

This is the POSSIE…. Fuelling up at the HJ’s Joint in freo before our big night which lay ahead. Any way that’s her in her mint ox outfit, she’s in the middle, the one going for the killer munch LOL (she’s prolly going to kick my ass for this pic!!)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh YEaH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To the front we have my assistant Roxi, who wasn’t a Bon fan before we got there (yet I know she’s warming!!) oh how sheltered she’s been!! So you can safely say Roxi ended up rocking it!!!

side kick

My final evil side kick is Ayden the photographer!! Ayden too arrived in the same boat as Roxi in regards to Bon and his fashion Faux pas past!!! But again an evening spent with awesome friendly crew gathered around, everyone here for the one reason well, that’s got to touch some people right, yeah that’s my figuring, so I touched lots of people that night!! And I’m sure Mr. Ben Scott will say he wishes he was one of them LOL…. If you haven’t taken the time, go check out Amazing Armani Undies on Display, a worthy Giggle to be had!!!! But Ben 10 outta 10 for the effort my man! Anyway where were we…

Yeah tickets for sale!! I’m only kidding I kept my paws to myself but seeing and participating in this vibrant evening and having people from all walks of life, getting along you could imagine the atmosphere!! It was definitely HIGH VOLTAGE. So cheers to my little pal Ayden for the pics I’m sure you’ll all see he did a wonderful job!

Oh by the way the road trip was most interesting, it got dark along the way and we had to gauge our speed by the other drivers on the freeway because we lost the dashboards lights or the fact I’d never driven this rig before and kept using the indicators to wipe my windscreen was duly noted as clear indicators pointing to an interesting evening to be had as we drove into the orange lights of the Fremantle district.

Guys I’ve broken this into sections because I’m currently on time restriction’s woohooo *Brags* Just bagged myself a kick ass job!!! So I’m applying myself and juggling family and easing out of my other two jobs in order to follow my dream and will post this blog a bit at a time but believe me this is well worth the wait and I promise you that on the night there’s a rock and roll queen your satisfaction will be guaranteed folks!!!! Ps – the photo gallery that will accompany this is definitely worth your time, I found one picture that in my mind sums up the night and Im gonna show it upfront on Part Two “ Live Wire” . Till then feel free to send comments and questions via the main man, good old Lucas….


Bon in the Top End

bon scott graffiti

I love this photo, sent by Justin, an artist from Perth doing a project in Darwin, to Jasmin from the Fremantle Arts Centre. The Bon Scott Project sure has sensitised a lot of people to sightings of Bon stuff!

Here is Justin’s message to Jasmin:

Hi Jasmin

Ten minutes after arriving in Darwin I saw a stencil of Mr Bon Scott
in the Smith St Mall.

It is attached for your pleasure/horror

All best


A teaser, if you will…

ben scotts undies

While we’re all waiting, with bated breath, for Queen Bee‘s report from the Ugly/Sexy night last week, this mysterious teaser came through.

It is Ben Scott (the lovechild)’s crotch shot.

Ai caramba!

Just what went on at Ugly/Sexy?

Was the allure of the Scott DNA, combined with Reg Grundies by Armani, just too powerful for the sexy Queen Bee to resist?