The ABC really is getting its 8 cents a day outta the Bon Scott Project!
Today I spoke on the radio with Richard Stubbs from the Melbourne branch of our national broadcaster. And you know what? It was the most enjoyable media gig I’ve done so far (oh, apart from dressing up as Gene Simmons for the air guitar championships I guess)!
Growing up in Western Australia during the 1980s, my brother and I knew Richard as “that amusing guy in the brick ads on TV”. He played this heart-throb bricklayer who all the women thought was totally dreamy. He had good biceps. (I can’t remember the particular brand of brick he advertised…)
And now he works as a radio DJ in Melbourne!
I hope one day Richard meets my university supervisor. Both of them seem to be obsessed with the problem of how a blog can possibly be “a work of art”, since it looks nothing like a painting. Phew, he put me through the wringer on this interview. (I’ll leave it to you as to whether my arguments were convincing at all.)
But seriously, the man did his homework!
Journalists take note: it’s so much more fun for the interviewee when you do a little research before conducting the interview. Good onya Richard (and Brad, his producer, who was probably the one who did most of the work!)
You can listen to the interview here.
(Note for context: just before this MP3 audio file kicks in, Richard has just played Jailbreak at very high volume…)