You know how when you read an epic book, you sort of “re-live it” in your day to day life? I mean, lets say for example you’ve got The Lord of The Rings. The hobbits are making their way through the Mines of Moria, and you’re so damn absorbed you’ve lost all track of time. Then you look up for a moment, and reluctantly admit that you have to put down the book and go to work. But all day, even though you’re separated from the book, there is a “reality” in your own mind created by the “current goings-on” in the plot. You might be photocopying some documents, or pressing the “kerching!” button on the cash register, but in your head, you’re right there with those feisty little hobbits as they press ever-deeper into the bowels of that perilous mountain.
But my roving reporters Lizzie and Jessie bravely went along on my behalf! Lizzie even had the guts to request a performance of She’s Got the Jack, a song she originally thought was just plain silly. Well, she still thinks it’s silly, it’s just that she can’t stop humming it now.
You can read Lizzie’s entertaining report on her night out with Bon here.
Oh, and if you wanted MORE REVEALING photos of the Bon Scott Blogger’s alter-ego, “The Lightning Rod”, in action at the WA Air Guitar Championships, Sally has kindly sent some in!
If you’ve only just tuned in, the Bon Scott Blog might seem a bit overwhelming. Where do you start? How do you find what you’re looking for? Which are the best bits?
So I’ve created this here HIGHLIGHTS page to help you navigate your way through the project with ease! A Readers’ Digest version, if you will…
(You can also find the HIGHLIGHTS by clicking the button in the menu bar at the top of the blog, just underneath the little Bon Scott Lego Man).
Or if you want the FULL BLOG CONTENTS list, check out this page…
Seven lean years are coming to an end. AC/DC have just emerged blinking into the light from their studio in Vancouver, having recorded a new album. It’s being “mixed” as we speak, and will be released sometime later this year. It’s the first new album by the band since Stiff Upper Lip in 2000.
My favourite response was this one, from “Deeter”:
For the love of GOD !!!! I have been hoping and praying this was finally it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m making a promise to see at least two shows. One probably in my hometown in SF Bay Area . And Seattle with family and FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK , I just might have to keep going ………
This health problem just sucks , but this will get me out of the house if they have to wheel me there ;-)))))))))
This is just like a kid in the candy store ……. MORE MORE MORE, My belly hurts , throw up , MORE MORE MORE ,,,, repeat ,repeat repeat repeat
I might even throw a overseas venue in . IT could literally be the last time . I will have tears rolling at the end of that show :-))))) I think it might have happened before :-/ ly
It really sucks not being able to drink a few beers ………….. FUCK IT it’s AC/DC I will at least have a couple . But none until
;-((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((\(((((COLD BEER !!!!!!!!!!!! Shit warm beer ;-)))))
Bless the boys and don’t let anything bad happen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Knock on wood ……
3 month test results in , should find out any day . I have been clear so far
It should be fun getting all my prescriptions past security :-)))) Just kidding ….
I hope they do a lot of old stuff, I was just watching youtube , Brian doing a bunch of powerage stuff . They know we want it . Wait a 4 hour show , that would do it ;-))))))))))))))))))
Thanks for the confirmation .
(Thanks to Deeter for permission to reproduce his passionate message here…)
Yes, that’s right. As unlikely as it might seem, your mild-mannered, glasses-wearing, gangly reporter was flown across the continent to adjudicate the finest air guitarists on the west-coast. Continue reading “The Lightning Rod Strikes Northbridge”
An article has come out in an Australian art magazine about the Bon Scott Project, which describes my blog pretty well, I reckon:
One strand of that conversation has been realised in artist Lucas Ihlein’s popular Bon Scott Blog. Ihlein writes in his introduction, “Lucas was not a fan of AC/DC. You can read about his process of immersion! He is meeting fans, visiting cemeteries, chasing up Bon’s old friends and lovers, attending concerts, and listening to a lot of heavy rock. It’s a fascinating read. A good starting point is Ihlein’s account of his visit to the Fremantle Cemetery where there’s a humble memorial plaque for Scott, a missing heritage plaque and a steady flow of intriguing pilgrims, including Ben Scott, the alleged love child of the singer. The responses to this entry reveal the wide range of people The Bon Scott Project is engaging.
The article also describes some of the artworks which will be in the Bon Scott Exhibition in May. And there is a photo of me with the statue – that photo was taken by Perth superfan Simmo! You can read the whole article in Realtime Magazine here.
[14 November, 2007, West Australian Newspaper, for larger size click here.]
Last November, the above article appeared in the West Australian Newspaper. As a promotional stunt for the Bon Scott Project, the Dolomiten Polka band jigged It’s a Long Way to the Top (If you wanna rock and roll) while trundling through the streets of Freo on a flatbed truck. It has now come to my attention that a small video documenting this historic performance is now available online! And here it is:
[C-Diddy wows em with his air guitar prowess…The original video is posted here.]
Yesterday I was visiting the museum where I occasionally work, conducting children’s art workshops. Lately I only make rare appearances, mainly due to the fact that I’ve been galavanting around the country with this Bon Scott business. But people in offices love a bit of news from the outside world, so I found myself chatting over the cubicles about Bon and his fans, enthusing about some incredible AC/DC performances I’ve seen on YouTube lately, and crowing about my new career as an air guitar judge.
Being an “open plan” office, people inevitably overhear (and eavesdrop on) each other. So while I was raving to my colleague Nicky about all this stuff, from across the room Penny the conservator pricked up her ears. “WHAAAT!?” she screamed. Or, would have screamed, except it’s an open plan office, so she kind of hush-screamed, and the look of intensity in her face made up for the lack of volume. She couldn’t believe I had landed this plum gig with zero experience. It was so unfair.
Penny told me a story about going to see Magic Dirt play at the Annandale once. She and another female friend air-guitared so energetically that a small circle of fans began to gather around to watch the spectacle, ignoring the band on stage. Then she beckoned me over to her desk, and clicked onto YouTube so that I might witness the greatness of the video above, featuring world-reknowned air-guitarist C-Diddy. And lo, I was indeed impressed.
“Nobody in Western Australia will come close to C-Diddy,” she said. “But as a judge, it’s important to know the benchmark of excellence.”
Being the first air-guitar enthusiast to come into my life, Penny wasted no time in presenting me with some criteria for judging the competition:
1. It’s not about realism: Get over the idea that air guitarists have to know how to play a real guitar, or hit the “real” notes as if playing. It’s a performance, and has to be judged on that basis, first and foremost. On the other hand, note how C-Diddy creates the illusion he is actually holding an instrument. A kind of Marcel Marceau mime skill. Top marks.
2. Costumes are very important, perfect bodies less so. Note C-Diddy’s whacky open shirt and Hello Kitty chest piece, eclipsing his chubby belly.
3. Engagement with the audience: note that C-Diddy acknowledges his audience, and calls for them to participate in shouting out the chorus.
4. Women who participate get extra points. Since there are not many of them.
5. Use of the overbite while strumming, in order to convey the idea of intensity of concentration loses marks, according to Penny. Too contrived. Come up with something interesting to do with your facial expression.
6. Bonus points if you bring your own air-roadies or air-groupies, anything original of this sort…
Thanks Penny. I hope this blog post doesn’t result in an office-wide ban on YouTube. Or my blog.
My friend Jessie (who came along last week to see Mark Evans rock out at the Sando) just sent me an excited text message. There will be a tribute evening to Bon Scott in Newtown in a few weeks!
LET THERE BE ROCK – A Salute to Bon Scott featuring SWANEE
The Vanguard
42 King Street
Newtown NSW
Thursday 24 Apr 2008
7:00 PM – 11:45 PM
ACDC formed in Sydney, Australia in 1973 by brothers Angus and Malcolm Young. The band is considered a pioneer of hard rock and heavy metal, alongside bands such as Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and Black Sabbath.
Celebrating the Bon Scott era of ACDC special guest vocalists rock out on a night that is going to blow you away!
Guest vocalists: SWANEE
SIMON MELI (Ooh la la, Johnny G)
MAX SMIDT + More to be announced
The Electrfying Band is:
TONY THE KIDD (Guitar) (Ooh La La)
Damn! I am heading over to Perth next week for the great air guitar gig, so I’m gonna miss this. Perhaps someone can go along to the tribute night at the Vanguard, and send in a report or some pictures for the blog?