Mr Stubbs Gets Stuck In

richard stubbs

The ABC really is getting its 8 cents a day outta the Bon Scott Project!

Today I spoke on the radio with Richard Stubbs from the Melbourne branch of our national broadcaster. And you know what? It was the most enjoyable media gig I’ve done so far (oh, apart from dressing up as Gene Simmons for the air guitar championships I guess)!

Growing up in Western Australia during the 1980s, my brother and I knew Richard as “that amusing guy in the brick ads on TV”. He played this heart-throb bricklayer who all the women thought was totally dreamy. He had good biceps. (I can’t remember the particular brand of brick he advertised…)

And now he works as a radio DJ in Melbourne!

I hope one day Richard meets my university supervisor. Both of them seem to be obsessed with the problem of how a blog can possibly be “a work of art”, since it looks nothing like a painting. Phew, he put me through the wringer on this interview. (I’ll leave it to you as to whether my arguments were convincing at all.)

But seriously, the man did his homework!

Journalists take note: it’s so much more fun for the interviewee when you do a little research before conducting the interview. Good onya Richard (and Brad, his producer, who was probably the one who did most of the work!)

You can listen to the interview here.

(Note for context: just before this MP3 audio file kicks in, Richard has just played Jailbreak at very high volume…)

Sally’s Photos From Bon Scott Project Launch

wild man from the wheatbelt

Thanks to Sally (who I first encountered at the WA Air Guitar Championships) for sending thru these great action-pix from the launch of the Bon Scott Project at the Freo Arts Centre. Above is The Wild Man from the Wheatbelt, who performed a blistering version of “Let There Be Rock”.

Here are a few shots of FAC/DC (facca dacca) in action:
Continue reading “Sally’s Photos From Bon Scott Project Launch”

Art Project Pays Homage to Bon Scott

abc tv vodcast

Lots of media coverage this weekend! Thanks to Jon for sending through the link to this video clip that appeared on ABC TV Stateline on Friday night.

As you can see from the screengrab above, the Hamilton Hill Clan is featured. The TV cameraman has done a great little piece of trick photography in their AC/DC den – one after the other the family members pop into the picture miraculously! Worth watching just for that! (And also for the bit when the ever-polite Jasmin exclaims “Look how hairy his chest is!!” he he…)

[PS: Anyone got any tips about how to capture/download that video?]

The exhibition, almost there…

lucas in his nook
Me in my Bon Scott Blog nook writing this blog entry!

Here I am writing in my little nook under the stairs at the Fremantle Arts Centre. In an hour the exhibition will open. FAC/DC (facca dacca) are rehearsing “Ride On”. A fluffy white dog just walked past (not joking!). I wish my girlfriend could be here. Someone just brought me a cup of black tea (no beer for me yet). My phone says “No Space For New Messages”. I shall have to delete to receive. I just wandered around the galleries and took a few snaps. Not all the works are visible yet (some are behind locked doors and others are videos waiting to be switched on. But here’s a little taster for you!
Continue reading “The exhibition, almost there…”

Greg’s Story

If you plug away, blogging every day about a particular subject, sooner or later you strike gold. Today this happened to me.

My mum mentioned to a guy at her work that her son was doing a project about Bon Scott. As seems to happen fairly regularly in Perth, her colleague, Greg, casually replied that he “had nearly met Bon” one time back in the 1970s. He began to tell her the story, but mum’s eyes glazed over. Her grasp of the phenomenon of Bon is fairly weak, to say the least. But she passed on the website address, and Greg promptly wrote up this great tale, which I am proud to present in its entirety here. Thanks Greg.
Continue reading “Greg’s Story”

A Ghostly Apparition!

apparition of Bon Scott

A ghostly apparition (albeit a rather zany one) of Bon Scott has been spotted under “the new bridge” in Fremantle.

I raced down on my bike to shoot the above snap. The apparition seems to glow in the dark. When I went back the next day, I took some closer shots:

bon scott apparition daylight

Maybe it’s painted with luminescent paint? Here’s another day shot:

apparition daytime

If you wanna go check it out, here’s the location on google maps.

The Billy Weston Slideshow

ava and friends

On Saturday night we returned to Billy Weston’s Pool Hall, to put on a slideshow for the fans.

Bec and I first went there a month or so ago to photograph Ava and her buddies: Rocket, Dope, Grubb, George, Mick the Noise, Thommo, Cabby and Melanie. The above is one of the super shots Bec took that day.

Thommo (aka Danny, the fella on the left of the above shot) who helps to run the Pool Hall, invited us to “come back any time”. So we decided to gather together a bunch of shots we’ve taken of Bon Scott Fans and beam ’em up on the big screen.
Continue reading “The Billy Weston Slideshow”

The West Online Features Bon Scott Project

the west feature on bon scott project

The West Australian Newspaper has done an online feature on the Bon Scott Project! Check it out here.

I wrote a lil blog post for them, which is here.

You can submit photos of yourself to the West Online, in your getup as “best dressed Bon fan”, and be in the running to win tickets to the launch of the Bon Scott Exhibition at the Fremantle Arts Centre! Get to it…

Here Come the Artists! (Part 2)

stuart bailey
[Stuart Bailey with his custom silk-screened Bon Scott Posters…]

Before I left Sydney, I got to hang out with Stuart Bailey, one of the artists whose work will be featured in the upcoming Bon Scott Project exhibition. His studio is a kooky set of fibro rooms above a defunct shop on Parramatta Road. I went along with Jennifer, a photographer who was planning to taking some shots of Stuart.

As an artist, Stuart has long been interested in the subcultures of rock and punk. In a recent performance, he and some friends did a version of Straight Edge by Seminal New York hardcore band Minor Threat. With Lagerphones. (If you don’t know what a lagerphone is, you’re probably not an Aussie reader. Never mind. You can catch up here.)
Continue reading “Here Come the Artists! (Part 2)”