[fans pose for Bec at the Billy Weston Pool Hall. Click on the image to see a bigger size…]

To say a big THANKS to all the fans we have met, photographed, or written about, photographer Bec Dagnall and I are putting on a slideshow night at the Billy Weston Pool Hall in Scarborough.

Bec and I have taken hundreds of shots during our time working on the Bon Scott Project. Only a small amount of them can be featured in the exhibition at the Fremantle Arts Centre, so we decided to bung ’em all on a DVD and beam them up on the big screen!


It’ll be a meeting of the tribes…

The details:

The Slides: running from 8pm onwards (but you can show up earlier to have drinks, the pool hall is open all day!) If you have more pictures you’d like to include in the show, email them to me [] or bring along a CD with them on the night! The whole thing will be really informal, we’ll just have the pictures on a loop, no need to sit down and politely clap or anything. But hooting, cheering, and the shouting of drinks are of course most welcome!

The Drinks: Danny from Billy Weston is providing special priced drinks!

The Address:
Billy Weston Pool and Snooker
64 Scarborough Beach Rd
(08) 9245-3939

Bec will have her snazzy camera on hand, so if you haven’t had your special Bon Scott photoshoot yet, maybe now is the time. To arrange it, call her on 0404973126 or just show up in your finest Bon regalia.

Epic Rock

lord of the rings pic

You know how when you read an epic book, you sort of “re-live it” in your day to day life? I mean, lets say for example you’ve got The Lord of The Rings. The hobbits are making their way through the Mines of Moria, and you’re so damn absorbed you’ve lost all track of time. Then you look up for a moment, and reluctantly admit that you have to put down the book and go to work. But all day, even though you’re separated from the book, there is a “reality” in your own mind created by the “current goings-on” in the plot. You might be photocopying some documents, or pressing the “kerching!” button on the cash register, but in your head, you’re right there with those feisty little hobbits as they press ever-deeper into the bowels of that perilous mountain.

Well, I don’t want to blow this all out of proportion, but something similar has happened to me with AC/DC: Maximum Rock and Roll, by Murray Engleheart.
Continue reading “Epic Rock”

The Lightning Rod Strikes Northbridge

The Reverend Billie Damage rocks out at the Deen
[The Reverend Billie Damage rocks out at the WA Air Guitar Championships…]

Last Friday night, I was a guest judge of the W.A. Air Guitar Championships.

Yes, that’s right. As unlikely as it might seem, your mild-mannered, glasses-wearing, gangly reporter was flown across the continent to adjudicate the finest air guitarists on the west-coast.
Continue reading “The Lightning Rod Strikes Northbridge”

More radio shenanigans…

Last week Sydney DJ Philippe Perez invited me to join him on Radio 2SER to talk about the Bon Scott Blog. In a rambling interview, we discuss AC/DC fandom, the bronze statue in Fremantle, and my own blogging process.

At the end of the interview, I get all frothed up about Let There Be Rock and we play that song on air… I wish you could have seen us air guitaring in the studio…

(In this version of the interview, the song fades out just after the opening chords. I’ll try to get a longer version online soon which includes the whole song for your listening pleasure!)

Anyway, the mp3 file is here. It goes for about 15minutes, and is 15mb in size…

Going out Laughing…

lucas with angus guitar
[me with Wombat‘s Angus guitar…]

Loyal readers, I’m taking a few days break as I head back to good ole Sydney town.

I’ll be updating next Wednesday with the following exciting episodes:

*BRAINY Musos from Bridge Music take me through the musicological perspective: just why is AC/DC so damn catchy?;
*NOT-SURFIES, BOGANS from the Scarborough Beach crew pose with black candles at Billie Weston’s pool hall;
*DON’T MISS Stevo the mad collector from Gosnells, and his lovely wife Veronica;
*PLUS! I get the perspective of The Mayor Himself;
*AND I meet the descendent of an old old Freo family;
and last but not least:
*I go on a walk of Fremantle to see just how many damn bronze sculptures you’ve already got here (it’s a LOT!)

For all this and more, tune in next week to Bon Scott Blog.

In my absence, feel free to think up pithy slogans for the Big Red Electronic Signboard, or visit the guestbook

Thanks Freo, it’s been terrific. I’ve had a lotta laffs, I’ve met a lotta cool bogans, I’ve eaten my fair share of gelati…


megan in her custom t shirt

We spotted a girl with a home-made Bon Scott T shirt. “Quick, give me one of those cards with your blog address on it!” Mish said. And with that, she had joined the team.

She darted forward and tapped the girl on the shoulder, breathlessly blurting out: “Hi I’m Michelle and this is Lucas and he’s an artist from Sydney doing a blog all about Bon Scott and it’s really great and he’s writing about fans like you and can he take your photo and put it up on the web?” She was into it, of course. How could she refuse a request like that? Her name is Megan.

Megan was there with her husband Kim, but they’d left their six year old son at home. “Maybe soon he’ll be big enough to come to concerts, but not yet,” she said. Megan had doctored the front of her shirt, so instead of reading “I HEART BOYS IN UNIFORM” it read “I HEART BOYS IN BANDS”. Although she was the one with the customised Bon Scott shirt, Kim is the real fan. He’s got tons of memorabilia on display in his domestic shrine to Bon. I told Kim about Bec’s photographic project. He said he’s already seen her ad in the local news, and will definitely get in touch with her…

Bon Scott Statue Finally Unveiled!

scottish lads with their tattoos
[Kev, Andy and Ian from Fife, Scotland, with their commemorative tattoos…]

It was a huge day. Great to meet and mosh with so many fans.

I’ve uploaded my photos from the concert here. Please send in your own photos, or links to your videos on youtube, or your reports on the day!

Just leave a comment below or email me at lucas[at] and I’ll post your stuff up here!

In the meantime, I’ll be slaving over my keyboard to tell you about my version of events! Stay tuned…

Heavy Metal Striptease…

bon scott statue article in west australian

More bits of the bronze statue continue to be revealed in a kind of heavy metal striptease leading up to Sunday’s unveiling. The above article in the West Australian newspaper today almost gives away the whole game! Click on the photo to see it larger…

There was also a broadcast on ABC local radio this morning. They haven’t released it as a podcast unfortunately, but you can see a small snippet and photo here.

And over at AC/DC news, the tributes have been flowing in since Bon’s anniversary on Tuesday. Interesting to see several comments left by female fans, and one by a 15 year old!

AND! As if that wasn’t enough, a text message came through a few days ago from my brother Jono’s mate Minky, who said she’d seen a bronze statue of a lady on the Perth foreshore who was dressed to thrill in an AC/DC shirt. A fitting homage to Bon, methinks. Unfortunately, by the time I chased up the rumour, Minky said the shirt had disappeared. However, thanks to the erstwhile Jon Talisman from the Bon Scott Yahoo group, a photo has emerged! And here it is… Apparently that lady is called Eliza, and thanks to some local scalliwags, she’s a statue of many guises…

If its print-media articles you want, I’ve uploaded a few more that Jasmin photocopied for me:
Rolling Stone magazine article from May 2007, page 1, page 2.
-An article entitled “Ride On” by journalist Matthew Hogan, from an unknown publication. This piece is based on interviews with very first (pre-Bon) AC/DC singer Dave Evans, who will be performing at the concert on Sunday.
-A similar article in Perth music weekly Xpress.

World Exclusive! The Bon Scott Statue in Progress!

greg with bon moulds
[Greg, the sculptor, with the moulds he used in the casting of the Bon Scott Bronze Statue…]

Following the advice of Simmo, a guy I met at Bon’s grave on Tuesday, Jasmin and I snuck around to Greg the sculptor’s studio to check out the progress on Bon’s bronze effigy. We stumbled upon a bustle of activity, with several assistants busily grinding, welding, and polishing various bits of the statue.
Continue reading “World Exclusive! The Bon Scott Statue in Progress!”

At the Cemetery

a sip for bon

[David giving Bon a sip…]

Yesterday was the anniversary of Bon Scott’s death. I kept a vigil all day in Fremantle Cemetery, resting in the shade of a tree near Bon’s grave.

Even though I had never been to the cemetery before, I was aware that Bon’s grave, like Jim Morrison’s in Paris, has long been the most popular slab in Freo’s city of the dead. Fans from all over the world make their way to Bon’s final resting place to pay their respects.

Rumour has it that a few weeks back, none other than heavy metal legends Iron Maiden were chauffeured to the cemetery to have a drink with Bon. Apparently this kind of thing happens all the time.
Continue reading “At the Cemetery”