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The Ugly/Sexy Factor: Bon Scott & Fashion
Thursday 12 June, 8pm Fly By Night Club, Fremantle. $10 entry
This Thursday night, if you’re on the west coast of Australia, there’s no excuse to miss The Ugly Sexy Factor.
It’s kinda like a cabaret discussion night thingummy, but with now-legendary west ozzie AC/DC tribute band FAC/DC (facca dacca) providing the loudness.
For all the details see this page here and scroll down a bit…
Basically, the event was conceived by Jasmin Stephens, the Bon Scott Project Curator, in an attempt to answer the question:
“if Bon wasn’t conventionally handsome, what was it that made him so damn sexy?”
Now, I know that many of my regular readers (Carolyn and Susann especially) think this is just a riduculous question. To them, there is no controversy, Bon was the sexiest man alive…
But others, especially various female friends of mine, have reported bewilderment at the idea of Bon’s charm. Simply looking at a photo of his face, they don’t get the attraction. It’s only after watching him onstage or in a video interview that things begin to change…
And guess what?! Fremantle Arts Centre have slipped me 10 free tickets to the night to give away to my most-loyal-of-all readers!!
Hmm, let’s see… The ten best thoughts on this UGLY-vs-SEXY Bon Scott business get the free tix!! (and of course you don’t have to be in Western Australia to contribute to the debate… I will think of suitably postable prizes for the geographically challenged amongst you…)
Get to it folks!