It was a big night for reunions! Here I am in my Bon Scott Nook with Veronica and Stevo. I’d just finished explaining their story to my friend Mish (using a photo pinned onto the wall behind the beanbag as a visual aid) when, speak of the devil, they showed up! By this stage of the evening my camera had run out of batteries, so Mish snapped this one off on her mobile phone.
I’ll upload some more photos soon.
If anyone else has any shots (or movies!) from the exhibition launch they’d like to share, send em through and I’ll put em up! –> lucas[at]bonscottblog[dot]com
Oh, and some lovely comments came through last night! Thanks Alyssa, Susan from Alabama, Andrew, Rich from Montana, and of course, the ever loyal Pablo from Argentina.
Ben Scott, the lovechild, was stuck in Esperance (8 hours drive south of Perth) and so didn’t make it, although plenty of people at the exhibition asked after him. But I heard on the grapevine that he was the first caller to speak to Bon through Madam TV’s professional mourning service, so I guess he was here “in spirit”, so to speak…
Any other stories from last night?